welcome to my not-so-fabulous blog :)

Friday, November 5, 2010

hi everyone!

Hi there,

Thanks for clicking this site, for taking your time to read my blog and of course if you're reading these words, it means that you want to know me a little further.

For a starter, this is how I look like in real life :

So, my name is Marsha. I am pretty much living an ordinary life, so ordinary that it's not even funny. I have only one sibling and that makes me the maknae of my family. (Google it, it's a Korean word.) I'd describe myself as witty, quiet, at times smug, and also narcissistic. The whole sentence makes me sound like I'm a very snobby person hahaha but it's quite true.

I have a very high interest in music, books and travelling. My favorite bands are the Arctic Monkeys, She & Him, Kings of Convenience, etc. Although I do like indie music soooo much, I also find myself drooling over K-Pop. (Not a guilty pleasure, I'm proud! Hahaha) It's a very rare combination, I know.
I started to read books when I was 8. My parents used to drove me to Periplus and picked books for me to read. I remember very clearly about Mom giving me The Famous Five and Tin Tin. From there, my interest in books grow until now.
I also like to travel (if I have enough cash...), because I simply enjoy learning and experiencing new things.

The reason I started this blog was because I had troubles interacting with people in real life. It's not as bad as it sounds, but I indeed have low social skills. Once I was in a large group of friends, but still I'm only close to one or two of them. Truth is, not everyone knows this. People who don't know me that well think or should I say, "label" me as an outroverted person. I'm a reserved person, I find it hard to get along with new people, let alone be close to them. I keep things to myself or whenever I feel like I should talk about it, I write about it instead. So yeah, I started to write things since I was little and I'm still doing it now. Writing helps me to sort my problems out strangely somehow, and through this blog, it helps me to express my thoughts, ideas and such that was once such a hard thing to do.

I thank you so much for taking the time to read my stories, even if it's boring or dumb or dull, but still , you sacrifice your time to read about something that I wrote. Ha! Once again, thanks to you and enjoy my blog.


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