tomorrow : report card.
can i just, skip tomorrow and be back on 3 january 2011? haa. of course not.
then why did i say that? oh, and why are we talking about this right now? i don't know either. hahahahhaa.
as you know, every student in my school HATES the report-card-day. because of their afraid-ness of the result maybe. or, erm, idk hahaha.
report-card-day's tomorrow. that means , holiday's about to start in about 2 days. like i've said before ( havent i ? dunno forget) i'll spend the whole "happy-holiday" in Bali. With my Mom. And my dad. And my BROTHER. Let's just say.. the whole family. fyi i'll bring my laptop. and my own modem maybe. soo we'll still keep in touch.
then, what can i say?
oh 3 words : WISH-ME-LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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