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Friday, April 8, 2011

busy monthhhhhh


midterms went out okay, and everything went well :D
i went back to ef, and now i'm taking another lesson.......life's good. :)

i'll have a ballet show on June, so it's a really busy month for me.
fyi im doing paquita this year :D and also, *Drumrolls* BALLET JAZZ ~
YEAAAAH AHHAHAHAHA. \(^-^)/ but it's difficult, maybe because it's my first time of doing ballet jazz. maybe. :) about the reherseal , it's keeping me busy and busy so i couldn't update this blog as often as i did before :( sorry :D

so.. i posted this at 6 in the morning, so bye because i have to go to school :D

wish me luck&have a good weekend everyone.


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