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Monday, April 25, 2011

holiday post

hello all! i'm back HEHEHEHEHE! *wide smile* *zoom in 5x*

So now i am having a not-so-long holiday from my school because my seniors are having their national exam. :) i hope they can pass it all with a good score :):)

talking about holiday, i'm not thinking of maybe you know, going out of town . why? because , as you know, traffic happens everywhere AND every time *sigh*. i don't want to waste my time just seeing the beautiful-landscape-of-HIGHWAY! AND CARS. So, i choose to stay at home.

I find it a lot to do at home, actually. Like, helping my mom making some snacks, watching dvds, reading novels,or giving some "me-time" to myself.

And btw, the end of the semester is near. :o time flies fast huh. This semester was soooo really really fun. I love my classmates! I don't even know they're THAT crazy! Hahahhaa, i'm really sad thinking i'll be leaving this class real soon, :'(

Anyway, me and my school organization will have a big project to do! On the same month with my ballet show. It means i'm going to be super busy soon! I'm veeerry excited about all this. Hope it will turn out okay! :)

Too bad i have an assignment to do,

sooooo ...goodBYE!

p.s : happy easter, i know i'm late , but it's okay right? hahaha , GBU and your family.


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