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Sunday, January 1, 2012

2012 & random stuffs.

it's 2012 people! boohoo happy new year to all of you.

so yeah it's 2012. and overall 2011 has been a great year blabla,, memories made blabla,, and etc. i'm not good at writing cheesy stuffs lads.


enough for the 2012 thingy, i'm now officially in love with this guy...


i know i usually adore indie guys like alex turner , ben goldwasser, andrew vanwyngarden, and listen to music like mgmt, arctic monkeys, the strokes , deathcab for cutie.....and etc. but aaaaaa i can't help it one direction is just, perfection. *drools*

and yes i spent half of my holiday screaming "niall niall niall niall niall" and squeaks over their hotness. and yes (again) i have no life.

p. s : i can't wait to get out of here. h-3 until i leave my j-town


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