welcome to my not-so-fabulous blog :)

Sunday, January 22, 2012

hello again

Hi everyone!

(yes i'm not good at writing titles. enough said.)

how do you like the new layout and the new domain and template and background and everything? weeeeeee! well i changed them due to ... idk, i just wanted to change them. >:-D

you better like it by the way. Haha, because it took like 9 hours for me to figure things out and re-design everything on photoshop (especially that header thingy on your left, yep that one. ugh, torture.) so yeah.. you must love it. MUST. haha jk :-)


about my previous post , well if you're perplexed (my new favorite word, perplexe, because it sounds awesome when you say it. he) it's just something that i want to update monthly starting from now (january). The title's always going to be named after months-- depends on what month it is (of course) and the post will contain my very own tracks of the month. :-)

well i guess that's all,

bye loves (yuck)


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