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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

letter (1)

i'm writing this while listening to mango tree by angus&julia stones, so i suggest you guys could put the record on too (:


Hi, you.

Since writing a letter is the safest and -yes, it's the only way i could communicate with/to you, so... yeah. i decided to write (you) one.

well, how are things going?

Umm, i think that sentence doesn't seem to be a nice greeting and makes things awkward yet cricky instead, but i do really want to know.

i hope things turn out fine or "just okay" or "yeah it's good" because i'm expecting you to ask me back. Well that sounds shallow but mine's pretty rocking by the way.

So.. have you sorted things out yet? If it's a "yea kinda", kudos to you. If it's a "nope, still finding my way" i wish you the best of luck and without sounding like a wuzz fuzz: i order you to move your 4$$ and figure things out, pronto.

have you found your desiderata of happiness? or your very own pursuit of happiness? if it's a "Yes, i'm loving my life like awh-some" again, kudos to you. if it's a "still trying here" well you better get going cause life goes on and time flies fast. Hurry up before time catches you.

are you still puzzled with life? if it's a "no, i'm not a fool anymore" that's...great. if it's a "yeah, life's still a blur" i'm begging you to try. Yes, life's a very hard thing to solve yet it's a very ridiculous mystery. and yes, you may not find the answer but, trust me, at the end of the day, you'd feel great about yourself because you'll know that you tried and after that moment, you'll know what life is and things will work out the way you expected them to be.

uhm, i was just wondering, are you still making the same mistakes like i do now? If it's a "nope." well that's just okay. just okay. if it's a "to be honest, yes. i still make mistakes like i did back then" this time, i'm going to act cool and for your surprise... i'm going to give you an applause.

well i might sound like i'm crazy or something but yes, that's what i'm going to do. i gotta say that i kinda admire you for still making those silly stupid mistakes. Why? i know you're a great person (haha) and well i guess everybody know that (ahahahahahahaha) and now you're pissed because i typed hahahaha so much. okay back to the topic.

you know that time when you feel like "i'm done with this. i'm so sick with all of these things." and blablabla you feel like, you're going to do 'something' good about your life? when that time comes, you'll no longer be able to make those same mistakes. because you've learned what's wrong and what's right before. i know it's not as simple as that.. i know those times when you feel low about yourself, got stuck somewhere chill, and missed some great points about life, but as i said before, you could make a learning out of it.

you could now say thanks to those mistakes you've made.

in the end,
I don't know where you are now, and what do you do now and i don't know whether if maybe you're still listening to incubus and stuffs (but that's just you), or just lay around and reading this right now..

but i'd still wish you the best of luck.


the coolest person you'll ever meet


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