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Monday, November 1, 2010


okay it’s just awkward hahaha

well.. you guys know ‘april's fool’ right?

TODAY ,2 of my best friends at my class ,judith and sarah LIED to me

(why am i always be the victim of their crime-_-)

about something, and that totally made me down. hahahahaha still laughing right now at my stupidity hahaha :)))))

and they called it.. ‘november mop’ or in english ’ NOVEMBER FOOL’ HAHA :))

if ‘april's fool’ is just 1 day, ‘november fool’ is.. THE WHOLE MONTH!

so we ( sarah judith and me, or WILL maybe : kesul brian ditto jl tasya itin salim dellla and also maybe OTHER fulvous-ians.) are going to lie TO innocent people at our class, maybe our teacher too :P:P:P

and then if they believe.. we will SCREAM OUT LOUD :
“PUNKD ! NOVEMBER MOP!” gotcha, baby.

and then the BEST LIAR (like she/he told many many lies this month) and the MOST truth-able LIAR got a present at the end of the month!

pretty exciting huh?

GO Fulvousssss ! :DDD


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